HMI and PLC Programming and Testing
This video will show you HMI and PLC programming and testing.
How to Control a Stepper Motor Using a PLC and HMI
This video shows you how to configure a PLC, HMI, motor driver, and proximity sensor to perform Origin Return (OPR) control of a stepper motor.
Controlling the Forward and Reverse Motion of Stepper Motor Using PLC and HMI
In this video, you are shown the setup and programming required to control the forward and reverse motion of a stepper motor using a PLC, HMI, and motor driver. By following these instructions and setup, you can effectively achieve easier and precise control of the rotation of the stepper motor, and further optimize your industrial automation process by putting this combination of techniques into practice.
PLC and HMI Analog Output Programming
This video introduces the method of using PLC and HMI analog output programming for VFD frequency control.