Existing reviews of 6 Digit Display Controller for Load Cells
How to Switch Output Signal
Hello, how do I switch the output signal from 4-20mA to 0-10V?
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Once you select an output signal when placing an order, you cannot switch to another type of output signal.
I just need something to give me the direct reading from the sensor.
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If you want to read the value of this sensor and record it on the computer, we recommend this display controller SKU: ATO-DPM-DY800.
This is for prototyping and testing of a product that we are planning to go to production with.
Regarding the sensitivity of the DYHW-120 load cell:
The data sheet that came with the product, says 0.9mV/V
On ATO's website, it says 3mV/V
On Amazon, it says 2.0 mV/V /- 10%.
Can you advise how we can know the correct value so that we may properly progarm our boards?
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The sensitivity is Not fixed and can be used above 0.5MV/V. We have already calibrated it for you when it leaves the factory. The sensitivity is based on the nameplate label diagram of the sensor.
I have a few question of controller
Apologies for the questions, just about ready to order a test set-up but wanted to make sure it seems reasonable.
We are trying to measure displacement vs a load of a pipe being uplifted through the soil. The setup is very similar to the one below.
We are hoping to use the following:
500kg load cell (S type) (https://www.ato.com/tension-load-cell-s-type-50kg-to-20-ton)
RS485 Communication cable to PC – custom order
Recommended software to read data on a computer -custom order
Electric Linear Actuator (4000N, 450mm stroke) (https://www.ato.com/electric-linear-actuator)
Actuator relay switch for operation
The main question with this is: I am hoping to measure displacement and load at the same time. Can I attain displacement information from this actuator or any ATO actuator?
If so, how could I route this to a computer?
Also, is there a way to control the speed of the actuator?
Hoping to utilize around 1mm/s.
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1. If you want to record the measurement data of a 500kg load cell (S type) to PC, you can use the DY800 meter. Via RS485 Communication cable to PC, but when reading data, the load cell should be in a stable state, not in the process of pulling.
2. Electric Linear Actuator (4000N, 450mm stroke) can be configured with Hall signal feedback, and you can calculate the displacement by reading the Hall signal.
But currently, we do not have a matching controller and software that can record displacement data on a PC. Also, our controller cannot control the running speed of the Linear Actuator. The running speed of this Linear Actuator is about 3-4mm/s, not 1mm/s.
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