60A 3-phase solid state relay (SSR) with 3-32V DC input and 24-480V AC output features compact size, high structural strength, good impact resistance, and strong shock resistance. The SSR offers a reliable switching the commercial and industrial loads, such as computer peripheral interface device, printing machine, molding machine, food machine, packaging machine, and so on.
Heat Sink
Dimensions (Unit: mm)
Wiring Diagram
Tips: Ambient temperature for solid state relay
Load capacity of solid state relay is greatly affected by the ambient temperature and its own temperature rise. During installation and use, good heat dissipation should be ensured. The SSR with the rated working current above 10A should be equipped with a heat sink and the SSR above 100A should be a radiator and a fan for forced cooling. In the installation, pay attention to good contact between the bottom of the relay and the radiator, and consider appropriate amount of thermal grease coated in order to achieve the best cooling effect.If the solid state relay is working at high temperature (40 ℃ ~ 80 ℃) for a long time, the user can consider derating to ensure normal operation according to the maximum output current and ambient temperature curve data provided by the manufacturer.
ATO Solid State Relay Catalog.pdf
3 Phase Solid State Relay DC/AC Controlled AC
This introductory video covers the specifications and features of the ATO 3 Phase SSR models. Capable of switching at zero voltage or instantaneous turn-on, these models feature back-to-back thyristor outputs and are suitable for working resistive, inductive and capacitive loads. The control voltage for this line is 3-32V DC or 70-280V AC. Load current ratings range from 10 to 120A with nominal output voltages up to 480V AC.
How to Choose the Right Solid State Relay?
In this video, we discuss the key considerations for choosing the right solid state relay.
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